Pander Enterprise e.U.   Inh.Christian Höller 
                      Pander Terrazzo Agglo Tiles & Slabs 
                      Our materials are made of materials with a past        #recycle



Responsible / Verantwortlich:

Pander Enterprise e.U. Inh. Christian Höller

Contact / Kontakt:

Mariatroster Straße 111/6  8043 Graz  - Austria        E-mail :

VAT Nr. / Umsatzsteuer-ID:


Company identification number / Wirtschafts-Identifikationsnummer:

GISA 31443999
EORI Nr. ATEOS1000096151
Global Location number 


Liability and copyright / Haftung und copyright:

All of the content—i.e. text, graphics, files, tables, images, and information—found within this site is protected in accordance with applicable law with regard to copyrights, patents, and intellectual property. Any products or companies mentioned on this site are the trademarks of their respective owners and may be protected by patents and/or copyrights deposited with or granted by the competent authorities. As such, said content may only be downloaded or used for personal, non-commercial purposes. Therefore, the content may not, in whole or in part, be copied, altered, or resold for a profit or for any other benefit.

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